Thursday, April 13, 2006

3 more YEARS?!

Ok - so I know that not long ago I posted my feelings about 24 and it's addicting qualities... However...
I just found out that Kiefer Sutherland signed on for 3 MORE YEARS of 24! I mean, come on! Hasn't this guy saved Los Angeles and therefore the world enough already?! For those of you who don't know, this is currently the 5TH season of 24 and honestly, I don't know what else you can possible do to make it believable after this! Jake Bauer - aka my main man Kiefer - doesn't even WORK for CTU - the counter terrorist unit - anymore, they've already blown up or gunned down at least half of LA, CTU itself seems to have more moles and holes than a sieve and the head of their current conspiracy seems to be ...! Never mind. I mean, come on! What else can you possibly DO!!!
Though I do really love 24, for the viewers sake, PLEASE take it to a different country - or at LEAST a different part of the United States! Otherwise, I'm afraid the American viewer won't be able to take it much longer and the people of LA may begin to revolt!
On another 24 issue, I have to admit that while I really enjoy the seasons as they come out, there is DEFINITELY something to be said for sitting down and watching a whole season in a few days! What a rush! ;)


Que Sera said...

I feel your pain Bree, totally understand how much this 24 season has been so intense, and how it sems impossible that there could be another one.

It's Not a Tuba said...

Did I mention I need to show you how to put real links on your blog? Actually, I guess all I really need to do is tell you to look at your blog and clink on "Edit-Me" under "Links." But I do appreciate your posts. Maybe I'll post something again someday . . .