Saturday, June 05, 2010

TGP round 1!

Ok, I was going to wait to post these till I had the rest from our Thanksgiving Point trip ready, but I couldn't wait any longer :D  I was just so happy with the way these turned out!  Last Thurs. we went to TGP Farm with my good friend Wendy and her 2 kids and had a great time!  Ok, more honestly, we survived dealing with 2 2 year olds and 2 2 month olds and even got some time hanging out with another adult so I would count that as a super success and a smashingly good time :D  Oh, and I think the kids had a good time too :D

These two girls have been friends since birth!  Here's to hoping they'll be friends for life! :D  Love you guys!

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Doug Heaton said...

For a minute there I thought TGP meant Two Girl Party.
What cuties.

Wendy said...

So stinkin' cute!!!