Saturday, February 27, 2010


Never have I really had a place to put kids books... until now!!! Joe just built these uber cute shelves (with a little Bree inspiration) and I LOVE them! He even used the router my dad gave him for the first time as well - thanks dad! No more books on the floors, getting destroyed because they didn't have a home!! Now it's just time to fill them, which we get to work on Monday as we head to Barns and Noble with Wendy and Sophie to use a birthday gift card from Onny and the M's! Can't wait!!If you look close, you can even get a glimpse of the 2nd poll Joe put in the closet to fit Priya's and the baby's clothes, as well as the top of 2 shelves for toy bins! Look at us get organized!
Thankfully, we had TONS of help from Craig & Deann -she's helped me organize and sort everything from Priya's baby clothes to boy clothes she and Katie brought over so our kid wouldn't go naked or have to wear pink! ;) They're all hand me downs, but who cares! At least we don't have to buy a complete wardrobe for him and its cute!
Craig also helped do a ton of stuff from patch the ceiling and wall to wire lights in our hallway! WOOHOO!! Maybe we've got a shot at getting this place in shape before baby boy comes after all!
Thanks 'team'! If it were all up to me, this poor kid would be up a creek! :D

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Lions & Tigers & Bears... Oh my!

So, I know this is a random thing to post and I don't want to seem needy. It's just a lot of people have been asking about what we need for this soon to be born little man, and since not a ton of people see this blog anyhow, I figured this might be a discreet place to post a list :)

So here we go!
First of all, we am registered at Walmart and Babies R Us, though in truth, I think Target has some of the cutest baby stuff!
Really, what we need is anything BOY! :D We have so much pink, girlie stuff and I LOVE it!! However, I'm not sure Baby Boy Heaton would be happy to look back at his baby pictures and seem himself adorned in pink! :D Here are a few ideas:

Boy outfits, ranging from 0-24 months
Boy Bath towels and washcloths
Receiving Blankets & burb clothes that aren't pink :)
Boy Swaddlers/burrito making blankets for sleeping (they ususally have some velcro or something to help out with the swaddling
We have a few bigger blankets that are yellow, but a blue one or two wouldn't hurt either :)

Other things we need:
A new changing table cover (we registered for one or two at Babies R Us)
A hamper
Diapers & wipes! (we love Huggies brand, but will try whatever!)
Other baby care/cleaning/medical supplies that you always need on hand -lotion, bath soap, tylonal, etc. Unfortunately, we usually use Aveno, Aquafor and other scent free supplies since Priya's skin seems to indicate we'll have 'sensitive' children :)
Soothie passifiers
Bassinet sheets/extra crib sheets

Other ideas:
Baby Mat for tummy time
Boopie cover that's not pink
Same with a nursing cover!
Car seat toys
Boy hats! - baseball, beach, whatever!
A simple dinner scheduled for some time after the baby is born
A weekend get away for 2 ;)
Anything else your wonderful mommy brains come up with!

I'm sure I've forgotten things and I know we've registered for a couple more decorative items at Babies R Us. Really and truly though, we're just grateful to have friends and family to celebrate this special time with-We are blessed to have the people around us we do! A call, note, email or even facebook message or blog comment with congrats is plenty! - anything else is just extra!

My friend was kind enough to give us her old bedding set, which is adorable! Here's a link to it if you're looking for some inspiration.
His room is beige, brown and white (with a pink wall his sister will be sure to dominate :) Her stuff is cream, white, brown and pink)

Again, thank you for even thinking of us! We are just excited/nervous for our new arrival and can't believe he'll be here so soon!!

With love - PB&J + 1

(oh, why the title? well, I kind of like jungle animals for his stuff, but not super bright, crazy colors-though I like receiving blankets that are blue and brown, even if they're bright! just not bright green for some reason... I know, totally random! Sorry! Maybe I'll rename this post when I come up with something better :)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

So, I need to change my header, but I couldn't wait any longer on the back drop! Don't worry... it may not be for another month or so, so our little man can be part of the header, but something cute is on the way! :D

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A break from the serious

OK, since my posts have been of such a serious nature lately, I thought it was time to share a few photos of my cutie, crazy girl :) My dad emailed these to me yesterday! Thanks Dad! The first batch is of Priya at my Grandma Jean's house when we visited in Jan... She loves her some donut!

This next batch is from when my family was out here just after Christmas... Can you tell she loves her 'tutu's' :D
I love this little cutie! :D

Monday, February 15, 2010


Bruce and me :D
It looks like Bruce will have his leg amputated Wed. They've upped his pain meds, which is a relief, but my mom is really worried what damage has been done to his mind from all of the swelling on his brain the last 2 weeks... All we can do is wait and see and hope that this amputation is a good thing...

Friday, February 05, 2010

Grandma Jean... Bruce, and other thoughts....

My grandma Jean passed away Jan 23... she had suffered a major stroke more than a week earlier and though she amazingly made a bit of a recovery, it was only temporary. Gratefully, I was able to fly back for a week and spend some time with her before she passed away. Unfortunatly, I wasn't able to be there for her funeral, but I was able to design her funeral's the front and back...
Its hard to really realize she's gone... and that my Grandma Lemke is gone as well... As I prepared for my trip home to see Grandma Jean, I found my self thinking about how I needed to make sure I stopped in to see Grandma Lemke... I guess it still isn't real. I love them both so very much and hope they are at peace with those they love. Of course, I also hope we will soon be able to do their temple work, but we'll have to see when the time is right for that.
Unfortunately, it appears as though tragedy has not quite passed us by yet. About a week ago my uncle Bruce who came and visited us last summer and fall with my parents went into the doctor with what he thought were stress fractures in his foot. Instead, it turned out the pain was being caused by several blood clots in his thigh (even though he's already on blood thinners) and they admitted him immediately to the hospital. By the following morning he suffered a stroke and no longer has use of his right side. His speech was also affected, which is especially tragic since Bruce is ALWAYS handy with a joke or funny comment! It may spare the staff some bad jokes, but it's really putting a damper on his ability to cope.

After seeing my grandma improve so many days after a stroke, I'm still hopeful he'll recover at least mostly... Unfortunately, today is not the day for that I guess... they just moved him to the intensive care unit of a different hospital...

My poor baby boy... this pregnacy has not been very focused on his little life! It began with the funeral of my Grandma Lemke and the chaos of moving into a new home, amazing visitors and me learning how to be a mom to a toddler. Then there were abnormally chaotic holidays, starting around Halloween and lasting into the first weeks of Jan, when my other grandma fell ill... On top of that I've been struggling to wrap my mind around the fact that there is a little BOY coming into this home... I love him so so soooo much.... but what am I supposed to do with a boy?! I know it's lame to feel that way... I've come to embrace the thought and get excited about it in the last week or two but I feel like there's so much I need to do to prepare and I just don't even know where to start.

Don't get me wrong- we have had TONS of wonderful times and experiences the last 8 months... it hasn't all been tragic. Thankfully, we have been blessed by lots of time with WONDERFUL family and Fantastic friends! I just wish I knew where to start so that I felt I was ready for this beautiful boy to join our family instead of feeling like I'll be playing catch-up from the moment he gets here!

But I didn't want this post to be about me.... I just wanted to share what's been going on lately and I guess I started to vent a little too much! Hopefully I'll post some more of the crazy and adorable things our little Priya has been up to soon... she certainly is an amazing joy and light that seems to shine no matter what else is going on! We are so grateful for her!

thank you for your patience with me. we love and are so grateful for all of the amazing people that bless our lives constantly... thank you...

With love, Bree