Saturday, May 16, 2009

Finally a few new photos!

As you may guess, it is at times hard to take photos of my squirly little child - she does best when there are new people to show off to, so imagine my delight when a new friend asked if she could borrow my babe for a photo shoot!
There are a few more on her blog: but I think some of the best ones are still just in the client folder on her website
If you'd like the password to see the whole shoot, let me know and I'd be happy to give it to you!
I love my little babe!  She is such a ham and truley unlike any other child I know!  thanks for all the joy and laughter you bring to our lives, my little Princess P!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

A.I. thoughts

Ok, so we don't have TV right now, right? So, since Joe and I are American Idol fans, we decided to do like any self-respecting 'young person' of today would do and search youtube for the songs from Tuesday. After some searching, we found them and life is good, right? Not quite-

As we were listening I made the mistake of taking a look at some of the comments (note to self, never read youtube comments!) Anyway, I was ... disappointed and truly upset to see so much hate towards Adam. Of course, there was lots of praise as well, but seriously?

You know, even if you REALLY dislike his voice, style, even look... fine - go ahead and say that. "I think he's pitchy (dog)" "Mmm.. falsetto really isn't my style" "His clothes are kind of wack" - Fine - you have a right to your opinions - we all do and if you feel you must share then, fine. But to attack him or anyone Personally, and especially in a public form, just isn't ok.

We all do it - the basketball player we think is a jerk, the movie star we think is a tramp... but just because we all do it, does that mean its ok?

You know, I don't know Adam personally - I don't know what he does when the AI cameras aren't on him and I don't know what kind of life he lead before, Nor Do I Really Care... I Do, however, know that he is a child of a loving God. I also know that as far as I can tell, he seems like a respectful and kind person-a humble guy with an Enormous amount of talent and I don't feel he deserves to be bashed simply because some people feel insecure about the fact he can hit a high B flat and at times wears Jonny Dep eyeliner to help fill his roll as 'rocker'. He is still a Person and that title alone means he deserves respect.

At least, that's what I think...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A rose by any other name...

Hmmm... Dad Heaton just posed a good question... Now that we have our new home, what should we call it?  When we first moved into our last home, my mom affectionatly called it the 'Heaton Hilton' and I was convinced one day she'd ship us a sign with that title, since we always seemed to have someone staying in our guest room.

While charming as the 'Heaton Hilton' might be, I think this new home could use a fresh name...perhaps the Homestead doesn't need the name Heaton in it at all... Any suggestions?  It's not 'the Lodge' as I see every other day on a house I pass... 'The Palace' seems a little over-the-top, even though its size might qualify it for that title...

We'll take a vote!  Suggest any and all names you think of - good, bad, funny, sad... we'll take them all!  Then we'll have a vote!  I'd LOVE to see what Abby and Kim come up with, along with all the other 'witty' Heatons! :D

So friends and family, take a stab!  What should we name our pad, so fab?

Monday, May 11, 2009

Well, it's done!

The papers are signed, the money is paid... once it goes through the house is ours!

Now we just need to clean, build, decorate and PARTY!! :D  Feel free to volunteer for any one of those 4 things ;)

With love, PB&J

Saturday, May 02, 2009


I wanted to post some photos from moving and our visit, but after posting the house photos, I'm pooped!  We had about half a gajillion photos of the house and I just spend FOREVER reorganizing them and adding comments etc., so I'm wiped out!  I took a break to mow our temporary lawn-well, START mowing our lawn - it's LONG! Joe will need to finish that - I'm a weakling ;)

So you'll have to wait for another day, for those!  But stay tuned!  There are tons of cutie shots of kids and big people alike!  Catch ya next time! :D


...PHOTOS! Warning- The peeps living there left in a hurry so there is stuff EVERYWHERE!! for once in my life I can't WAIT to clean! ;) It's a bit of a long slideshow, but it has lots of commentary so hopefully you won't get too bored ;) OH! BUT if you'd like to look at larger photos and comment on them, just check out the link below the slideshow-ENJOY!

If it doesn't work or you want to take more than 1 SECOND on each photo, just follow this link here:

Time to Catch You Up!

The biggest news is WE'VE moved!!

"Where to?" you ask

"Why, to an apt  just down the street!" we reply

"I thought you were buying a house?" you ask

"We are" we say


Ok, so as you may guess, it's a bit complicated - however, so far the news is all good!!  Though we didn't close on our new place before we sold the old one, we ARE getting the house put an offer in on in December!  We are so excited (and a bit scared) but we know the Lord has DEFINITLY been guiding us and helping things fall into place... eventually! :D

When do we move in?  we don't know

When do we close?  Soon

Where have we been living?  well, around :)  My parents, niece, uncle, sister and her family all came out to help us pack up and move - (THANKS EVERYONE!!!)  They, along with my brothers that live in Utah all helped out INCREDIBLY!  Without them, moving could have been a VERRRRRRRRY long process!

We sold our place on Tues the 14th of April, but my fam was in town till Sat so we spent a few days at a hotel, with joe going to work during the day and priya and I chillin with the family!  We did some Great stuff, including Tucanos and Lil Sahara where we had an AMAZING time on the sand-dunes!

On Saturday Priya and I headed back to the Mid-West with my parents and uncle, leaving Joe behind to stay at his sister Rachie's house! (Thanks Rachie!)

Back in Wisconsin, Priya and I spent a ton of time with her cousins and grandparents, including a visit from Mom & Pop Heaton with Auntie RISSY!  Priya even made a new friend when we met up with my grade-school pal Christy Has-an-Itch (lol - sorry Christy!) and her daughter Rachel - what a cutie!  Priya LOVED seeing her cousins and was convinced she was one of the big kids!  She mastered stair climbing-and even decending-and was 'running' around the playground like a big kid!  She doesn't believe me when I tell her she's still a baby and especially doesn't seem to listen when I tell her she should just lay still and cuddle like she did when she was just a blanket burrito :(  Maybe if I give her a good talking to... no?  hm...

Well, Auntie Alysse flew out to Wi the end of the week and Monday we and she flew back to Utah.  Now I'm back on the same street, still not in a place of my own, but at least we're getting closer!  For now we're enjoying life in a cul-de-sac (Priya is a NUT and bangs on the front window waiting to run out and play with all the kids here) and dreaming and planning of everything we want to do in our soon-to-be new home!

Wish us luck!  We can't wait till you can come visit us in our new place!  For now, we'll just have to get you a few photos, but I think you'll agree it should be a fun place to hang out!