Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Grumpy Old Lady

I'm pretty sure my pretty pretty princess is teething. One reason i believe thsi to be so is the fact taht she has taken up the habit of sucking on her lower lip, especially when fussy. It's the funniest thing! Even though it's not the most attractive :)

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Best Friends

Well, I'm not quite sure why I'm not able to log in and make one of my little albums today, but I can't seem to make it work today - oh well! These are a few photos from when Priya's little friend Sophie came to visit the other day! Baby Sophie is just a week younger than Priay and her mom Wendy and I have already decided they're going to be Best Friends! :)

Our First Date!

So, last Friday Joe and I went on our FIRST Post-Baby DATE! And guess who babysat? Uncle Craig!!! (with the... help? of a couple roommates) :) His wife thought that was hilarious! I thought so too after we left him and he asked when he should change her. I said, in about 2 hours. He replied with a relieved, "ok, not for at least 2 hours - good". Of course, 20 minutes after we left, she had a total blow-out! I'm just glad Uncle Craig didn't decided to wait that 2 hours to change her after that!

You know, Joe and I would go on dates before baby Priya, but to be honest, they weren't much different than any other night. WOW is there a difference after you have a kid! I couldn't believe how nice it was to go out, just Joe and I! Of course, we were excited to come back and see our little munchkin again... though I do have to say that a regular "date night" is sounding more appealing all the time! ;)
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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A Shot in the LEG... Literally!:(

Well, 4 actually! Last Friday, our little princess got her first set of shots outside of the hospital! So Sad! I decided I could handle it and took her by myself - NOT a goo choice! Thankfully, after a LONG nap, she was her same smiley self! I know these photos are a little funny cuz they make her head look so big, but I think they're just adorable anyhow :)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Going Steady

Apparently, they both thought cannibalism was worth a try.

Apparently, Priya decided she hadn't had enough of Baby David yet, so that very same day, we went to a BBQ our church group was having and they spent a little more "baby" time together :) Unfortunately, her smiles disappeared for a few days after we returned from Wisconsin, and this was still one of those days :( But you can see why she might be interested in THIS little guy! Look at those eyes! :)

Monday, May 12, 2008

Priya's First DATE!

Ok, so it was just me watching a friend's son for a little while this afternoon, but as you can see, they seem to get along just fine! :)

Friday, May 09, 2008

Priya visits the whole fam damily

LOL- I'm sure that's not very appropriate-whoops! Well, we did it! I couldn't take it any longer and my brother had a week or so till he started his new job, so we packed it up, got some plane tickets and flew with Priya back to Wisconsin! It was Very last minute and a big surprise for many, but we did it! We got in on Tuesday, had a little dinner party, Wednesday we went to Culver's with a bunch of the little kiddos and Craig's fam, Wed evening we (Craig and his family, my parents, Priya and I) drove to meet my Wonderful in-laws for dinner. Thurs. we(Priya and I) went to a dance class, a baseball game, a friends house, a little fiesta and Great-Grandma JoAnn's house - all yesterday afternoon and evening - and now we just got back from lunch with Matthew, Melissa,Denise, Drew and Alysse - we're pooped! But we have to rest up now cuz tonight we're celebrating Mother's Day since it's the only time Great-Grandma Jean can come down from "Up North". This is her first outing since her 'stroke' so we'll see how it goes. Even though we've been busy, Priya has also had lots of time to be cuddled by Grandma Barb and Grandpa Craig... in fact she's spit up on them several times already! :) Today at lunch was funny though, especially if you know my brother Drew and his decision to never care about a kiddo till they're at least a year old! As he is trying hard to NOT pay attention to her, Priya decides she can't take her eyes off of him and is flashing him all of her most loving and playful smiles and flirty eyes! Of course, she won't smile at the people TRYING to make her smile and look at them, but for Dru, she'd have stopped the world from turning! :) Such a cutie stinker! Unfortunately I just busted out the camera for the first time today, so we need to get a-snappin' to document this first visit!
Hope all is well! With Love,
Bree & Baby Princess - I mean, ah, Priya ;)

This is from lunch today.

Priya in this getto-old stroller my mom made me put her in to walk to lunch!

This is at my parent's house - I LOVE Wisconsin Spring!

A little more yard and peeps :)

And, apparently Priya was still hungry after lunch ;)

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Quick shoot from the "Photog" and VEGAS!

That's right - we took a day trip to Vegas on Thursday! We, meaning my brother Craig, Priya and I! Craig wanted to get his motorcycle and I just wanted to take a little trip! So, we loaded up and left by 7:30, got there just in time to go to lunch with Brookie, then loaded back up and headed home! We were back by 9:30, so we did great! Plus, Priya slept almost the whole time! Plus, who knows.... maybe this was just a warm up trip! ;)

Anyway, I forgot to take photos with brooke yet AGAIN... so instead I'm posting a few photos from a quick shoot I did today with the little darling - I don't know how that's supposed to compensate... but oh well! :)

Hope you enjoy her little smiles!

Her Cutie Roomie!

We've been working on her room for a while now and we're still not finished, but when I meant to shoot a pic of the one wall, I realized I was recording instead and thought, why not blog it - I blog everything else! :) I'll add another vid of her just playing too :)

not much happens in this next one, but at least she makes some cutie noises:)

In this last one you can see just what a dork I am :)

So, nothing too exciting - but since I've been a lame-o about posting lately... and let's be honest, Priya is cute no matter how awkward of a moment I catch her in!