Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Take a Second to Laugh!

Joe sent this to me -When my Dad saw it he said "I think those who look at this and enjoy it with a mirthful attitude have a definite sadistic side to their nature.I can’t wait to show it to Mom!"

PS - She loved it ;)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My little "Carrie Underwood"!

My dad called her Dale Evans, the wife of Roy Rogers, but I'm an American Idol girls so Carrie Underwood it is! She is ABSOLUTELY OBSESSED with microphones ever since we got Rock Band! So Joe pulled out our Karaoke machine the other day and she has been singing away! Well, more like moaning the same crazy note over and over, playing with different volume levels! What a little nut!

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So my crazy little child will squeeze the guts out of her stuffed bear, smother other kids with loves and kisses, but REFUSES to kiss mommy and daddy! Until yesterday! Right after Joe came home from work he was holding her and I was just standing there, feeling tired and a bit sad, when all of a sudden she LUNGED at me, planning a Big One right on me! Later in the night she gave kisses to me, Joe and even our friend Katie! Even later in the night she repeatedly rested her head on me, giving me loves! I could get used to this!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Out with the old...

For those who missed it, this is the old header - I just love this cutie little girl!
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In With The NEW!

So, this is the new photo on the top of the blog... what do ya think?
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I changed the backdrop by accident and can't go back, so if the blog looks funny, please humor me while I change things up a bit! :D It'll hopefully be oh so adorable again in a few minutes! (or hours - we'll see! :)

Back from NY ...Live ... its....

The Masons! Of course, I didn't realize till after that there is not a SINGLE picture of the 4 of us, just our kids! HAHA - well, good thing they're cute!

One of our most recent adventures was when we had Dave and Heather over last Sunday for dinner. We LOVED having them over and just wish there'd been time to see them more while they were here! As it was, out of a whole month, we were only able to get together with them the one time :(

Funny story about the Masons I love to tell - they met AFTER Joe and I were engaged, but got married BEFORE us! Dave would have actually been Joe's best man, except he'd already taken off too much time for his own wedding! Plus they actually met because of an engagement dinner my sister had for joe and I - there's much more to the story but that will have to be for another time! One more D&H mason quirk-they're TOTALLY against fast weddings!! Even though their own came in July after meeting in Feb - go figure! However, after 4.5 years and 1 baby, they are going strong!

We love you guys and can't wait to see you again!

Thursday, January 15, 2009


To those of you who have never been here before, WELCOME!! To those of you who have, Welcome Back! The last few months have been a stressful whirlwind of activity, dotted with joyful times with friends and family! Let me summarize:

As for the "stress"... I don't know that I EVER want to run a Christmas photo special again! At least, not the way we did! HAHA - I had fun taking photos of tons of friends and family, though! It was awesome to get to know people better through their photo shoots! However, it was just a few too many too close to Christmas. Anyone up for Christmas cards in July?! ;)

Then we come to the friends and families! It all began with a BEAUTIFUL wedding in Washington, (congrats Nate and Emily!), followed by an early Christmas with the Heatons. After that, we had a nice quite Christmas at home and with the current "utah" Lemkes, then the big throwdown Christmas when my parents, big sister with her kids and little brother and his girlfriend! After that was a week of family dinners, parties, indoor skydiving and other adventures, including "hanging out" as only the Lemke's can - which of course includes more food than can possibly be eaten! Hopefully we'll have some photos up soon!
Well, once again, WELCOME! It's been a crazy ride, but I'm glad to be back with the blogging world! For all of those we've seen recently, we love you and miss you already!! For those we haven't... well, hopefully we'll see you soon!! You all make us who we are and for that we're grateful (well, most of the time! ;) just kidding!
Thanks for sharing in our adventures!
Love, PB&J :D