Can you tell I love this photo :) There were so many other good ones from the pics i took ofher yesterday, but this was my favorite and i loved messing around with it for a few min in photoshop. This collage though is just a quick picasa creation, for those of you who care :)
Priya is just such a social butterfly and has so much love to share that she managed to rip off another girl's bow in Sunday School today and tip a little boy over in Relief Society, all in the name of making friends! Thankfully, the moms weren't mad and they played happily after :)
PS I HATE that the colors in these photos aren't nearly as vibrant when they get posted on the blog! I may have to just over-do it just so it looks right on my blog! :P :D
Cute pictures. I remember those violent days. It sure is fun to watch them now - especially when it's not my own kids!
She's such a cutie!!
She sure does have blue eyes--pretty! A couple of my favorites of our kiddie photos include a scabby nose, too. Give her a hug for me!
She really is a cutie! I can also see why you love that picture of her. It's adorable. Nice work!
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