Just a few more details about California - We headed down to Sacramento on Friday, hung out in Fulsom for Sat and Sunday, then headed to San Francisco on Monday! We had a great time on Pier 39 etc. One of the best things about the trip was hanging out with Robert and Beth! Priya just LOVED being with her auntie and uncle! Every time Priya saw Beth, she started squealing! Monday night we met Rainahs wonderful family for dinner, then had a little Heaton family bonding back at the good ol' Travelodge! We had a great time just hanging out, then we went around the room giving Jon-o some final advice before his big day, with everyone making sure to give him the most important advice - don't listen to any of Joe's advice! ;) We love you, Joey! After everyone else went to bed, the Heaton Brothers spent a few more minutes with some final brotherly "bonding" complete with pillow fights! I never realized what a wimp Joe can be! It's also amazing how Joe manages to be the center of attention, no matter what the Heaton event! Who would have thought that'd be the case when I married this quite, laid back observer! I'll have to get some of Beth's photos of the event!
Tuesday was the wedding! Rainah & Jon looked great and the sealing (marriage) was beautiful! After, we had a little family luncheon, with some great stories by both families! We are sad we can't be there for the reception on Friday, but I'm sure it will be wonderful as well! There were some emotional and trying times,combined with a few not quite sleep-filled nights, as there often are with a small child, but all and all, a very nice trip - I cannot say enough how grateful I am for WONDERFUL family that also definitely counts as friends! :)
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