Friday, April 25, 2008


Today, I'm very homesick for my family back in Wisconsin. I'm EXTREMELY tempted to just load up the van and go, but since Joe can't really take the time off and I probably shouldn't go alone... :( I want to be with my little bro who just had surgery, and I want my family to see my beautiful little girl before she's not a little BABY anymore! She has the most WONDERFUL smiles and flirty little eyes (which, of course, I never am able to really catch on video) and I just want to share it all with them SO BADLY.... So, I made a little video which isn't much, but it was what I could get when I had the minute to take it, so here it is!

PS - if you know anyone that wants to take a weekend drive to Milwaukee or Chicago....


iammommahearmeroar said...

Aww, what a sweet little video of her. It sounds like her mom is pretty crazy about her!

Boyd Box said...

She is SOOOO adorable. And that SMILE!