First of all, my Mom flew into town on Monday afternoon and we met Dru, Brent and Craig's family at the Thai Village - Yum! Tues we spend preparing for the rest of the week, with Brent and Dru coming over later for dinner - apparently they thought I was hogging my mom to myself and missed the fact that she and I were trying to get stuff ready for a new baby and a house full of guests! :D Boys ...
On Wed., March 17th (St. Patrick's Day) we went into the hospital, but I already can't remember what time I went in, other than it was after 9 or later - and that I had to wait a while because they were SUPER busy with other soon to be Mommies :D Anyway, everything went just fine... I was prepped for surgery, had to wait a bit, but then was taken in and by 1:08 pm I had my baby boy! Like I indicated before, this whole pregnancy has seemed a little surreal, but once I knew he was born, the reality and wonder of it all hit me with such force. I felt...honored and awed to be given this amazing little boy. We love him so very much and are incredible grateful to have him in our lives!
Even though I just went into the hospital on Wed, I asked to be released early so by Friday night I was back home. I was off IVs and lots of family was coming to stay the next day so I decided to come home! Unfortunately, I still wasn't very mobile, though to be honest, I probably should have stayed in bed a bit more :) oh well! Thankfully i had lots of great help, first and foremost in the form of my Mom and Joe... they made it possible for me to do ANYTHING those first weeks! THANK YOU! I also had tons of help from my great friend Katie Q, Stephanie R and Rachel, along with my mom, who helped clean and prep my house for guests! We tried so hard on our own, Joe and I, but let me tell you, at 9 months, I am NOT very mobile! :)
Early Sat. morning my Dad showed up and when he finally woke up he too helped prepare for everyone! He's a saint too! My dad ended up staying 3 weeks! Saturday afternoon my brother Brian and his family came for spring break!! WOOHOO! It was so great having them here! But I'm sure I'll talk about that more in the next post :D
In the mean time, here's a slideshow from week 1! :D